Return Policy – Money Back Guarantee!

You have 14 days from the date you received the delivery to request a full refund.

To qualify for a refund, all the following conditions must be met:

  • A return shipping address must be requested from our customer service team within 30 days of receiving the product(s). To request the shipping address, email
  • Any returned product(s) must be in good physical condition (not physically broken or damaged).
  • All accessories originally included with your purchase must be included with your return.
  • Your full name must be included along with your returned product.

Additional terms and conditions:

  • Shipping and handling charges and gift-wrapping fees are non-refundable. When ordering from outside the US, you will be responsible for any applicable customs duties and sales taxes upon delivery of your order.
  • You are responsible for and must prepay all shipping charges and you shall assume all risk of loss or damage to the product while in transit to Bo&Bo, Ltd.
  • If you return the product to Bo&Bo, Ltd. without all parts included in the original package; Bo&Bo, Ltd. retains the right to either refuse delivery of such return or charge you a restocking fee of 15% of the original price of the product or the retail value of the missing accessories.
  • After receipt of product, refunds will be processed and paid within 5-7 business days.